Maximizing Edible Sales with Eye-catching Cannabis Packaging


The cannabis industry is booming. Since marijuana was legalized for recreational use in Colorado and Washington in 2012, the number of U.S. adults using pot has grown by 25 percent, according to an April 2019 Gallup poll. And edibles—cannabis products that are eaten or drunk rather than smoked—are a growing segment of the market. But it isn't just about how many people are trying cannabis: It's also about how much money they spend on it. According to Arcview Market Research & BDS Analytics' latest report on cannabis consumer spending, retail sales in California increased by 50% year-over-year (YoY) compared to just 15% YoY growth for all other states combined during the same period.*[1] So if you're selling edible marijuana products at your store or online, then there's never been a better time to invest in eye-catching packaging that will make customers want to buy more!

The cannabis industry is booming.

The cannabis industry is booming. According to research from New Frontier Data, the legal cannabis market was worth $7.7 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow by an average of 23% per year through 2022. This means that if you're looking for a new business opportunity or just want to get into the game before it becomes too saturated, now's your chance!

If you're thinking about getting into edible sales as part of this growing industry (or even if you already are), one way to maximize your edibles sales is with eye-catching packaging that draws customers in and makes them want what's inside even more than they otherwise would have done without those enticing visuals on display right there on their shelves or racks at home stores like 7-Elevens around town where customers can pick up some snacks while picking up some weed instead of just grabbing whatever's cheapest off shelf like usual...

Edibles are a growing segment of the market.

Edibles are a booming market. According to a recent report from BDS Analytics, an independent cannabis research firm, the edible segment of the marijuana industry is growing at a rate of 43 percent per month--and it's not just because more people are consuming edibles.

Edibles also offer an alternative to smoking cannabis (if you don't like smoking). With edibles, you can get all of your favorite strains' effects without inhaling any smoke or tar into your lungs--not only making them healthier than smoking but also avoiding any negative stigma associated with smoking pot in general.

Packaging is important to product sales.

Packaging is a marketing tool. It can be used to promote your brand, create unique packaging that stands out from competitors, and sell more cannabis products by influencing consumers' perceptions about your brand.

Packaging serves several purposes:

  • To protect the contents of the container during shipping and storage

  • To inform consumers about what's inside (e.g., ingredients) or how to use it (e.g., directions for use)

Cannabis packaging regulations differ from state to state.

Cannabis packaging regulations differ from state to state.

There are federal regulations for packaging cannabis products, but these vary from state to state. Federal guidelines require that all cannabis products be in child-resistant containers and have warning labels on them with information about potency and potential risks associated with consumption. States may impose stricter requirements than those set forth by the FDA, such as requiring certain colors or shapes for all packaging materials used within their jurisdiction.

Child-resistant packaging matters for edibles.

Child-resistant packaging is required by law for all edible cannabis products, and it's an important step in making sure that your product is safe for consumption. If a child can't open it, they won't be able to eat it.

Cannabis edibles are often packaged in bottles or jars that have childproof caps or screw tops (like those found on aspirin bottles). These types of closures must be difficult for children under 5 years old to open but easy enough for adults with normal dexterity to open without assistance from tools such as scissors or knives--this means you'll know whether the cap has been tampered with after opening!

Learn about the latest innovations in cannabis and edible packaging so you can innovate too!

If you're looking to get started with cannabis packaging, the first thing to do is look at what other companies are doing. See what they're doing well and do it yourself. Also look at what they are doing poorly and avoid those mistakes!

It's always a good idea to take a look at your competition before starting any new business venture--and cannabis packaging is no exception.


Now that you know some of the key facts about cannabis packaging, it's time to get in on the action! The cannabis industry is booming and edibles are a growing segment of the market. Packaging is important to product sales, so make sure yours stands out from the rest with eye-catching designs and innovative features like child-resistant closures.


The Power of Perfection: Aligning Your Cannabis Packaging with Your Brand for a Lasting Impression


Engaging Your Customers and Boosting Satisfaction in the Cannabis Space