The Power of Perfection: Aligning Your Cannabis Packaging with Your Brand for a Lasting Impression


If you're new to the world of cannabis packaging, it can be daunting. After all, there are many factors to consider before getting started: everything from product safety and quality to regulations and certifications. But don't worry! We've compiled a list of tips that'll help you make an informed decision when it comes time to design your cannabis container.

Make it stand out

  • Use a unique color or design: When you're creating packaging, it's important to make sure that your product stands out from the crowd. You can do this by using a unique color or design. For example, if you make ice cream cones and want your packaging to stand out from other brands' cones (or cones in general), try using different colors for each flavor of ice cream--this way customers will be able to easily identify which flavor they want at first glance!

  • Use a unique shape: Another way to make sure that customers notice what kind of product is inside is by using an unusual shape. For example, if you sell cookies with faces drawn on them as part of their design (like these cute little monsters), then putting those same faces on the outside would definitely draw people in!

Create a lasting impression

  • Make sure your packaging is easy to open and close.

  • Use a logo that is easily identifiable.

  • Think about the environment, as well as how your customers will use the product and what they would need if they were traveling with it.

  • Make sure your packaging is safe and secure, so no one gets hurt while handling it!

Packaging that fits the brand

Branding is an important part of your marketing strategy, and it's the first thing people see when they look at your product. Your packaging should reflect the values of your brand so that customers can recognize it as being associated with them. For example, if you're selling a luxury item like jewelry or watches, then a fancy box will help convey this message; however if you're selling something more casual like socks or pens then something more basic may be better suited (though still stylish).

In addition to communicating what type of business you are through visuals on the outside of your product's packaging, there are also opportunities within these designs themselves:

  • Logo placement - Where is it placed relative to other elements? Is there space around it? How big or small is it compared to other elements such as text? These decisions can help reinforce brand recognition among consumers who might not remember exactly what type of company makes up their favorite products but will recognize certain design cues from previous purchases made by others in their household

Make it easy to open and close

Make it easy to open and close

The purpose of your packaging is to help make the product as appealing as possible. However, you don't want the consumer to struggle with opening or closing the package; they should be able to get into it with ease. If they can't, they might just give up and move on to something else that's easier for them--and maybe even cheaper! That would mean wasted money spent on creating those products in the first place.

When designing your product's wrapper, make sure it isn't too hard for children or adults who may have trouble opening things like twist ties or pull tabs (especially if these are used for securing lids). At the same time though: don't make this feature too easy either! You also need some sort of security measure so no one accidentally opens up their new toy without paying attention first; otherwise there could be theft issues involved later down line when customers realize what happened after purchasing from stores such as Amazon where everything happens virtually online then shipped out via mail order instead physically walking into brick & mortar locations like Walmart where employees work together closely sharing information between each other so everyone knows what goes where according

Think about sustainability

While it's important to consider the packaging you use as an extension of your brand, it's also important to make sure that the material you choose is sustainable.

  • Use recycled materials. Recycling not only helps reduce waste, but also reduces the amount of energy required in manufacturing new products by using materials from old ones. This can be especially important if you have a limited budget or are working with a small team on creating your product or package design.

  • Use non-toxic materials for printing and adhesives (if applicable). Many printing processes involve toxic chemicals like solvents and dyes that may not be safe for people who interact with them directly--or even indirectly through their clothing or hands! If this is an issue for your customers or employees, consider finding alternatives such as soy-based inkjet cartridges instead of conventional ones made from petroleum products

Child-resistant packaging

Child-resistant packaging is required for cannabis products with a THC content greater than 10mg per unit. It must be child-resistant and tamper evident, meaning the seal can't be broken without breaking or damaging the container. The product must also be opaque, so that light doesn't affect its appearance or strength. Additionally, it must have a resealable closure (like a zipper) and labeling requirements that include:

  • The name of your business or brand logo

  • Your business contact information (address and phone number)

Packaging regulations

  • USP 797: Packaging design and development

  • USP 796: Packaging printing and finishing

  • USP 795: Packaging materials, components and containers for pharmaceutical products (including biologics) and medical devices

  • USP 794: Container Closures for Pharmaceutical Products; General Requirements for All Closures, Including Plastic Closures That Are Not Sterilizable by Gamma Irradiation in an Autoclave or Steam under Pressure (Includes Requirements Additional to Those Set Forth in 21 CFR 178.2600)

  • USP 793: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), Excipients & Finished Dosage Forms; General Requirements for Identity & Purity of APIs Used in Drug Products Manufactured by Aseptic Processing Methods

Innovations in cannabis packaging

While cannabis packaging is still in its infancy, there are a few innovations that have come to the forefront. These include:

  • Cannabis packaging solutions that enhance the consumer experience

  • Packaging that reflects your brand identity

  • Packaging that provides information on dosage and effects of product

Travel packaging and storage solutions for consumers

Travel packaging should be TSA compliant.

It should be able to store cannabis in a safe and secure way.

It should keep your product fresh while on the go, so you don't have to worry about any smells or tastes being compromised by heat or humidity during transport.

The container should be easy to open and close, but also child resistant so that it cannot be opened by anyone other than you (or whoever else is authorized). The container needs to be made with food grade materials if it will come into contact with anything edible--this means no plastic!

Quality and safety are key considerations when creating cannabis packaging. This is especially true for products containing THC or CBD. These ingredients can cause adverse reactions if they're not stored correctly, such as oxidation of THC to CBN (which can cause users to feel drowsy). When considering quality and safety, look for materials that are airtight, waterproof, non-reactive and food grade. These materials also need to be BPA free. Additionally, you may want to consider using child-resistant packaging as well as travel packaging that's TSA compliant. If your product is susceptible to temperature changes or has a long shelf life (such as concentrates), you may also want to consider having it packaged with an oxygen absorber inside the inner seal of your container so the contents stay fresh longer.

Quality and safety are key considerations when creating cannabis packaging. This is especially true for products containing THC or CBD. These ingredients can cause adverse reactions if they're not stored correctly, such as oxidation of THC to CBN (which can cause users to feel drowsy). When considering quality and safety, look for materials that are airtight, waterproof, non-reactive and food grade. These materials also need to be BPA free. Additionally, you may want to consider using child-resistant packaging as well as travel packaging that's TSA compliant. If your product is susceptible to temperature changes or has a long shelf life (such as concentrates), you may also want to consider having it packaged with an oxygen absorber inside the inner seal of your container so the contents stay fresh longer


We hope this article has helped you learn more about how to create cannabis packaging that fits your brand. If you're looking for more information on what type of packaging might be best suited for your product, check out our website or give us a call at (947) 500-2011


Cultivating Customer Loyalty in a Competitive Cannabis Market


Maximizing Edible Sales with Eye-catching Cannabis Packaging