Engaging Your Customers and Boosting Satisfaction in the Cannabis Space


The cannabis industry is booming, with sales projected to reach $146.4 billion by 2030. With this increase in demand comes a greater responsibility for companies like yours to meet the needs of consumers. The customer experience plays an essential role in your company's overall success, and optimizing it can help boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Cannabis is a booming market.

Cannabis is a booming market. According to cannabis research firm New Frontier Data, the global cannabis industry will be worth $10 billion by 2025 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21% between 2017 and 2022.

The United States has seen massive growth in this industry over the past few years: Colorado legalized recreational marijuana in 2014; Washington followed suit two years later; Oregon joined them last July; California legalized adult-use sales earlier this year; Massachusetts voters approved legalization through a ballot initiative on Election Day 2016; Michigan voted on legalization but rejected it by more than 2%--meaning they'll try again soon! And Vermont became the first state ever to pass legislation legalizing recreational marijuana without being required by referendum or public vote when its governor signed an executive order approving possession of up to 1 ounce per person over 21 years old starting July 1st 2019.*

The customer experience is an essential part of the customer journey.

The customer experience is an essential part of the customer journey. It can be defined as "a person's perceptions and responses that result from interactions with a company, brand, or product." The importance of a positive customer experience cannot be overstated; it is one of the key factors that determine whether or not someone will become loyal to your brand.

The importance of creating an enjoyable experience for customers has been well documented by researchers like Service Quality Institute (SQI), who found that 89% of consumers would pay more for better service and 73% would switch brands if they received better service elsewhere. In addition, 78% said they would recommend businesses with good service while only 22% would do so for poor performers!

What factors lead to improved customer satisfaction?

  • Customer service. This is an obvious one, but it's worth pointing out that customer service plays a big role in how satisfied your customers are. Your staff should be trained to be friendly and knowledgeable about the products they're selling, so they can answer any questions or concerns that arise during the buying process.

  • Quality of product. The quality of your cannabis products will have a big impact on how happy your customers are with them--and their overall experience with your brand as well! That doesn't just mean making sure there aren't any bugs in their edibles; it means ensuring everything from packaging materials down to strain names are chosen carefully so they convey what people want from their experience with you (more on this later). It also means working closely with growers/manufacturers who share similar values for quality control standards when sourcing ingredients for production processes themselves--these companies tend toward more transparent methods like third-party lab testing results posted online versus self-reported data from companies themselves because they understand that transparency breeds trustworthiness among consumers who may otherwise be wary due to stigma associated with marijuana use."

How should cannabinoid packaging be designed to meet the needs of consumers?

As a consumer, you want your packaging to be well-designed and easy to use. You want it to be appealing to the eye and protect your product from damage during transport or storage. You also want it to be easy for you open and close again, so that you can get at what's inside quickly when needed.

Packaging should also meet certain criteria in order for products sold legally in Canada:

  • Packaging must protect cannabis products from contamination (for example, by ensuring no foreign matter enters).

  • Packages must not contain any false or misleading statements; they must accurately reflect information required on labels under Health Canada's Cannabis Regulations (including THC/CBD content), as well as all required warnings about potential health risks associated with consuming cannabis products containing more than 10mg of THC per gram of dried marijuana flower or its equivalent amount per package unit size (for example: "This product contains high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] which may cause impairment while driving or operating machinery").

Optimizing your cannabis packaging for greater impact.

First and foremost, your cannabis packaging should be designed to meet the needs of consumers. This means that you have to look at what they want and what will make them happy.

Secondly, your cannabis packaging should be designed so that it maximizes customer satisfaction. The more satisfied customers are with their purchases, the more likely they'll be repeat buyers--and that's something every business owner wants! In order to achieve this goal, there are several things you can do:

  • Make sure all information on labels is clear and easy-to-read; if necessary (and legally possible), include additional information such as where each strain was grown or how much THC content it contains. This way people know exactly what they're getting before they buy it off the shelf!

  • Use bright colors that stand out from other products nearby on store shelves; this will ensure yours catches attention before anyone else's does! Remember: It doesn't matter what kind of product it is--if nobody knows about it then no one will buy anything off their shelves either."

By offering a quality product and interacting with your customers, you can maximize customer satisfaction in the cannabis space.

  • Customer experience is a factor in customer satisfaction.

  • Cannabis packaging is an essential part of the customer journey.

  • Cannabis packaging should be designed to meet the needs of consumers, who want to feel secure and safe when they're making purchases online or in-store.

  • Optimizing your cannabis packaging for greater impact will help ensure that you're giving people what they want when they buy from you!


Cannabis is a booming market, and the customer experience is an essential part of the customer journey. By offering a quality product and interacting with your customers, you can maximize customer satisfaction in the cannabis space.


Maximizing Edible Sales with Eye-catching Cannabis Packaging


Building a Thriving Company Culture in the Cannabis Industry