How to Design Packaging for Multiple Cannabis Products Within the Same Brand


The legalization of cannabis has opened up a world of possibilities for entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry. One of the biggest challenges for new producers is how to design packaging that will be eye-catching and memorable, but also convey all the necessary information about their products. While there are plenty of options out there for cannabis companies looking to create unique packaging designs, you might want to consider creating a line that fits within an existing brand identity so as not to confuse customers when they're browsing shelves at dispensaries or shopping online. Here's how we did it at Oregrown!

The packaging design for multiple products within the same brand should be consistent so customers know they are purchasing from the same company

Consistency is important. Consistent packaging helps build brand recognition, identify products, and identify product lines.

When you design packaging for multiple cannabis products within the same brand, it's important to keep these factors in mind:

  • The packaging design should be consistent so customers know they are purchasing from the same company.

  • The color palette should be consistent across all product lines (to help build brand recognition). This can also include similar shapes or sizes of containers used on each line of products if desired by your clientele base or market research findings.

  • The logo should remain unchanged unless there is a reason behind changing it (such as updating graphics on an existing logo).

The packaging should be customizable enough so that it can be used to differentiate products in the same line.

Customization should be based on the product and brand. The customization options you choose should be able to differentiate products in your line, but they also have to stay true to your brand identity. Customization can include color, shape and size of the package as well as die-cutting and embossing techniques such as foil stamping or hot stamping.

A branding and identity guide should be created for your brand, including a logo and color palette.

Before designing packaging for multiple cannabis products, it's important to create a branding and identity guide. This will help you ensure that your brand is consistent across all of your marketing materials and packaging materials.

The first step in creating a branding and identity guide is to choose a logo for your brand, which should be used on all of your marketing materials including websites, social media accounts and business cards. Next comes the color palette; this should consist of two or three colors that are used consistently throughout all of the company's branding elements (logo, website design etc.).

You'll want to consider packaging materials based on their durability, cost and material recycling options.

You'll want to consider packaging materials based on their durability, cost and material recycling options.

The first thing you need to know is that the material you choose for your cannabis packaging should be durable enough to withstand the rigors of transportation and handling. This means that it cannot be easily damaged or torn open during transit or in-store displays. If you're using glass bottles or jars as part of your product line, make sure they are sturdy enough so they don't break when dropped onto concrete floors by accident (or intentionally). You also want something affordable so that customers can afford them without breaking their budget--and if possible, try to find something that can be recycled at the end of its life cycle!

Design your product line to provide clear visual distinction between each product while maintaining the same brand identity throughout each product category.

If you're designing packaging for multiple cannabis products within the same brand, it's important to differentiate each product while maintaining the same brand identity throughout each product category.

The best way to do this is by using color and typography. For example, if your brand has a blue color palette with green accents on all of its packaging, then use those same elements when creating new packaging designs for other products in the line (e.g., concentrates). The goal here is not only to ensure that consumers know they are purchasing from one single brand--but also that they can easily recognize what type of product is inside each package without having to read any text or look at any images printed on them (which means less clutter!).

The process of creating packaging for multiple products within the same brand involves creating a consistent design language and then creating differentiations within that language so customers can tell which product they're buying at first glance.

The process of creating packaging for multiple products within the same brand involves creating a consistent design language and then creating differentiations within that language so customers can tell which product they're buying at first glance.

The first step is to establish your design language. This is your visual style and appearance of your packaging, including fonts, colors, imagery and other elements that create an overall look (think about how Coca-Cola uses red). Once you've established this look across all of your cannabis products--and it's important that this look remain consistent across all products--you can begin adding unique touches to differentiate each item without losing sight of the brand identity as a whole.


We hope this article has helped you understand how to design packaging for multiple cannabis products within the same brand. Now that you have an idea of what it takes, feel free to get started!


How to Create a Memorable Unboxing Experience with your Cannabis Product Packaging


The Impact of Color in Cannabis Packaging Design: How to Choose the Right Palette