How to Create a Memorable Unboxing Experience with your Cannabis Product Packaging


What do consumers think of when they hear the word "cannabis packaging"? Many people think of a small plastic baggie, maybe with a sticker on it. But as cannabis legalization sweeps across the country and more people become interested in using it, new trends are emerging that show how this product category is evolving. The latest trend in cannabis packaging is creating memorable unboxing experiences for users. At first glance, you might think that creating an unboxing experience for your customers would be difficult—but thanks to smart design and innovative thinking, there are plenty of ways you can stand out from the crowd while also making sure your products stand up to the test of time!

Make it stand out

  • Make sure you have a logo.

  • Use color and design to make your packaging stand out.

  • Make sure your branding is visible and recognizable, even from a distance.

Use smart design to your advantage

The first thing you need to do is design your packaging with the consumer in mind. As an example, let's say you're selling a pre-rolled joint that comes in a small plastic tube. The customer will want to know what kind of cannabis product they're buying and how much it costs before they buy your product, so make sure that information is easy for them to find and read at a glance. You can also use this opportunity to make yourself stand out from other brands by creating unique packaging designs that incorporate fun animations or graphics on top of standard black boxes with white text; this will give customers something memorable about which they can talk afterwards!

Make it easy for your customers to use

Your customers will appreciate a cannabis product packaging that is easy to open and close, but also easy to understand.

  • Make it easy for your customer to open the package. A simple tear-away strip or tab can be a great way for them to get started on opening their new product.

  • Make sure you include instructions inside the box as well; this will help prevent any confusion about how exactly they should use your product once it has been opened!

  • Also make sure that everything closes easily; nothing is more frustrating than having something break while trying to close an unboxing experience!

Stand up to the test of time

You want your packaging to stand out, but you also want it to last. To do this, keep it simple. Your design should be easy-to-read and easy-to-understand so that the consumer can understand what they are buying without having to read the label or instructions first.

  • Use quality materials: If you're going with a cardboard box, make sure it's sturdy enough not only for shipping but also for storage after use (and if possible, reuse). If using plastic wrap around your product itself, make sure it's durable enough not only for its intended purpose but also for consumers who may attempt at home DIY projects like replacing broken glass jars with something else entirely!

  • Use child-resistant designs if required: This includes both childproof caps/lids as well as additional safety measures such as tamper evident seals or resealable packages in order prevent accidental ingestion among children under 12 years old.*

Find inspiration in other products you use every day

To start, you should look at the products you use every day. If you're like most people, your life is filled with boxes and packages that were designed to make opening them a memorable experience. You might not think about it when the UPS driver drops off your latest order from Amazon or when your favorite snack arrives in its own branded box (and if so, I'm sorry I ruined that for you).

What makes these moments so special? The answer lies in a few key factors:

  • The design of the packaging itself--what does it look like? Is there anything unique about how it's presented? Does it have any special features like easy-open tabs or reusable containers inside?

  • How long does it take for someone to get through all those layers of tape/plastic wrap/cardboard before they can finally see what's inside? If there's more than one layer of protection between them and their new toy car or smartphone case (or whatever), then even though we know what's going on under there--it still feels like an adventure!

Your packaging should help your cannabis stand out, so that consumers can easily identify it. It should also be accessible and easy to use.

A good packaging design should be easy for consumers to find, open and use. It should also be accessible and easy to store.

A good cannabis product packaging design will help your product stand out in the crowd, so that consumers can easily identify it at the dispensary or online store.


As we've seen, there's a lot of opportunity for cannabis packaging to be more creative and memorable than your average product. It's also important that it stands out from its competitors in order to attract customers who are looking for something new and exciting. By following these tips, you'll be able to create an unboxing experience that will leave your customers wanting more!


Aesthetics vs. Functionality: Finding the Right Balance in Cannabis Packaging Design


How to Design Packaging for Multiple Cannabis Products Within the Same Brand