Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Cannabis Packaging

The use of cannabis has been on the rise recently: you might have noticed the boom in medical marijuana and CBD oil – and now that people are becoming more accepting of the use of cannabis, you might be thinking about selling it. Well, all brands need packaging, and the little clear plastic bags you’re used to seeing just aren’t going to cut it. How are you going to stand out and create an identity for your brand with those? This point brings us straight on to our first reason.

Your Packaging Is Your Branding

You’re going to want to stand out in the market. To do that you want eye-catching and legally compliant packaging. The chances are that boring plastic bags are just going to get thrown away. If you have something that looks nice or is made of a higher quality material, it’s more likely to get re-used. This is essentially free advertising – as it means that your brand is going to be seen more often and by more people, and that can equate to more sales! Consumers make associations between brand and product, no matter what you’re selling. Make sure you start off right with some incredible cannabis packaging.

Keep The Product Fresh

Your packaging isn’t the only thing that’s going to tie into your branding. The quality of your product is a crucial factor and represents the integrity of your brand. Nobody wants to spend money on low quality products. In the cannabis market, using high quality packaging is essential to retain the quality of your flower (or other products) and protect it from humidity and other harmful factors. Supply your customers with the freshest and most potent products – and they’ll come back for more. Not only that, but it adds a touch of class and shows you’re serious about your cannabis. It shows you pay more attention to hygiene, and in a saturated market, this will help you stand out.

Child Proof and Odour Proof

Just because the cannabis market is booming and we’re seeing more open-mindedness towards using it, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a stigma! And we certainly don’t want the wrong (tiny) hands to find it. You can invest in cannabis packaging that is tamper proof and child proof, keeping everyone safe. Not only that, but cannabis does have a very distinct smell which isn’t to everyone’s liking – and probably not something you want to smell all the time. Odour proof packaging is the solution to this problem, keep the unwanted smells at bay and the kids away from your cannabis.

Give your customers a piece of mind

If you purchase cannabis products in a transparent plastic bag, you have no way of knowing what strain you are consuming, what chemicals are contained, what nutrition facts are present... On proper cannabis packaging, consumers should be able to tell exactly what the product they are consuming is + its characteristics! This is the least a producer could do for his consumers: let them know what they are buying. Usually, producers will include contaminant tests, potency, CBD and THC percentages, storing instructions, ingredients and strain/flavour on the package to allow clients to make a well informed purchasing decision.

More Eco-Friendly

Doesn’t it seem counter-productive to pack something that is completely plant based, into something that isn’t? Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the environment, and many younger people (3 out of 4 millennials and Gen Z to be precise) have stated that they would pay more for sustainable packaging. Using reusable and sustainable packaging for cannabis is a smart move as most people that use cannabis aren’t looking for a one-time purchase.


If you aren’t investing in your cannabis packaging, then you’re missing out on the opportunity to grow your business substantially. A huge number of consumers are swayed by packaging when buying a product, and a solid brand identity is what will keep clients coming back instead of switching to a competing product. Good packaging is the first step in customer retention. Stand out with your packaging and have a high-quality product – the rest will follow suit. Not sure where to find affordable, diverse and top notch cannabis packaging? Look no further, Packagewea is here to help you grow your cannabis business! Click here to learn more.


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