Most Popular Cannabis Packaging Options

When starting a cannabis business, you might be overwhelmed by the different packaging options available and what’s best for your product. From packets and jars to more child-safe options – there’s a lot to choose from. We’re going to break down some of the most popular packaging types to guide you in your decision. There are plenty more options available that are not on the list, and should you need any help or guidance making your decision – contact us, we’re happy to help!

1) Mylar Bag

Mylar bags are probably the most common option to choose for your cannabis product. They have plenty of desirable qualities. They’re durable, cheap, keep light out and odor in, and are great at keeping your product fresh. However, they do require heat sealing to be properly effective. For a full breakdown of Mylar Bags, you can check out our previous blog here which highlights the pros and cons.

2) Tins

Metal tins are another popular option for storing cannabis – especially flowers. Due to the material, they’re very hygienic and their compact nature makes them easy to store and stack. Generally, they’re harder for kids to open which makes them a safer option. Metal tins can also be recycled, so if you’re inching towards a more eco-conscious product this can be a good option. Tins will also keep your product fresh, and as long as they’re unopened they will contain the odor too.

3) Button Box

Button boxes are a fantastic option, especially for joints or vapes. They cannot open without the button being pushed in, which makes them more secure and more difficult for children to open. They’re also highly customizable, you can add inserts or remove them, choose the material it is made of and there’s more scope for implementing eye-catching designs to get your brand to stand out.

4) Jars

Glass jars can be more expensive, but their rigid nature makes them highly durable. They’re also recyclable so you can market your product with a more environmentally friendly approach. Glass jars are perfect for storing flowers and can look very aesthetically pleasing. However, depending on your state there may be strict rules as to what you can do with the packaging and whether the product should be visible. Some glass jars may come with plastic child-resistant lids, but if you require this option, it’s always best to check. Additionally, glass jars are excellent at keeping out air and contaminants but of course, they aren’t great at keeping out sunlight. So, you will need to store them out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place.

5) Tubes

Tubes are light and fairly tough, which makes them cheaper to buy and transport. They are usually fully customizable and can make for an aesthetically pleasing product that can reinforce your brand identity. However, they can be more difficult to store due to their shape and they’re not the most airtight option so should only be used for small quantities of products that are intended to be used quickly.

Those are the top five most popular options for cannabis packaging. What you’ll need depends on the product you’re selling, but there’s bound to be an option out there that suits your exact needs.

Why not browse our product catalog for more inspiration, and to explore more options?


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