The Most Common Types of Child Resistant Packaging.

Creating the perfect packaging for your product is a rewarding experience. In addition to having a functional, convenient, and eye-catching design, there’s one more thing to think about. That is regulation, or in other words, who you DON’T want opening your products. It goes without saying that cannabis products should not be ingested by children, and most people will aim to keep it out of the reach of children, but this just isn’t always the case and accidents do happen. That’s where child-resistant packaging is essential for your cannabis business in order to reduce child exposure as much as possible to satisfy your customers and comply with regulations.

What is child-resistant packaging?

It’s important to note here that child resistant packaging (CRP) doesn’t necessarily mean that children can’t open the package whatsoever. CRP usually refers to packaging that is designed to stop children aged 5 and under getting into the product within a reasonable time frame. In other words, adults can easily open the package, but it will take the little ones a longer time to figure out, giving you time to stop them from opening it. There are some types of CRP that are more child-proof than others, so let’s look at the different types.

Different Types of Child Locks:

1)    Resealable Bags

Resealable and mylar bags are a popular option for many different industries, including the cannabis industry. These bags often come with a zipper seal or push-to-close top which seals the packet, reducing the risk of children being able to open it. This is a good option to prevent younger children opening the packet – but it won’t take them long to figure out how to open it, so the product will need to be always kept out of reach.

2)    Push to Open Caps

Pharmaceuticals and supplements often use this type of packaging. It can be used on a glass jar or plastic bottle. This is where the plastic lid must be squeezed before you can twist it off. This option is great as it requires a certain amount of force and motor skills than younger children just don’t have. It significantly reduces the risk of a child opening the package and gives you more time to notice them trying!

3)     Pinch and Flip/Pull and Flip

These two options are good for reusable boxes. They require the user to either pinch or pull tabs on either side of the box, whilst also pulling or pushing the lid open. The box cannot be opened if these actions are not performed simultaneously – making it a great option to keep kids out!

4)     Disposable Options

The above options are aimed toward products that are designed to be repeatedly opened and closed. In the cannabis market, however, numerous businesses have begun introducing disposables. These include blister packets and tins with a pull-back tab. Whilst these meet CRP requirements, they will be much easier for a child to open, so must always be kept in a safe place since they cannot be resealed.

Child Resistant Packaging compliance will vary based on the product you own and it is important to ensure you have the right packaging before selling to be in accordance with your state’s regulations. There are quite a few options on the market but the ones covered above encompass the main principles. If you need help with your cannabis packaging, feel free to contact us for more advice.



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