Discovering the Next Frontier: The Future of Cannabis Edibles, Topicals and More


We're at the beginning of a new frontier in cannabis edibles, topicals, and more. With legalization sweeping the country, we've seen an influx of new products hit the market. People want options beyond smoking and vaping their weed, so they're experimenting with edibles and topical creams. But what does this mean for packaging? How can you design packaging that fits with your brand's aesthetic while also protecting your products from breakage during transportation? We've got answers to these questions below!

The future of cannabis is here, and it has us excited.

As you can see, the future of cannabis is here. And it has us excited. Cannabis has been around for thousands of years, but it's only recently that we're starting to realize its full potential as a natural plant with many uses and applications--one that can help people all over the world live healthier lives.

As a versatile plant with many uses, cannabis has been used for medical purposes in many forms: from tea to oil and even tinctures (a liquid form). It's also possible that you've tried edibles before or heard about topicals like lotions or balms containing CBD (cannabidiol), one of the main compounds found in cannabis plants. But what else could these products do? How will they change over time? Where will we go next?

Cannabis topicals take the pain away.

While cannabis topicals are a new way of delivering cannabinoids to the skin, they're not exactly new. People have been using them for thousands of years to treat pain and skin issues.

Cannabis topicals are applied directly to the skin without entering the bloodstream, making them a good alternative if you don't want to smoke or vape your medical marijuana.

Cannabinoid-based products for the skin.

The skin is the largest organ in our bodies, and it plays a crucial role in regulating our health. It's also one of the most sensitive areas of our body to external stimuli--which means that when you apply something to your skin, it can have a powerful effect on how you feel.

Cannabinoids are being used to treat many different types of skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema; they're also being researched as potential treatments for acne vulgaris (an inflammatory disease affecting up to 85% of adolescents) as well as rosacea (a chronic skin condition characterized by redness).

New methods for cannabis consumption are here.

There are many new ways to consume cannabis. As the industry evolves, more products are being introduced that offer a variety of different experiences.

New methods for cannabis consumption include:

  • Topicals - topicals are skin care products infused with cannabinoids. They can be used to treat sore muscles and inflammation, as well as acne or psoriasis. The topical is applied directly to the area where it's needed and absorbed through your skin into your bloodstream within seconds. They don't get you high but they do relieve pain!

  • Edibles - edibles are foods or drinks containing THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana). These come in many forms such as cookies, brownies and even gummies! A common concern when eating edibles is determining how much THC you'll actually ingest since there's no way of knowing how much was put into each bite until after you've already taken it! That being said...

What does this mean for cannabis packaging?

Packaging is an important part of the cannabis industry. As legalization expands, it's becoming more and more important to create a brand and communicate with consumers. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most effective is through packaging that catches the eye and stands out from competitors' products.

Packaging should be environmentally friendly as well as sustainable--it should also be innovative. If you're looking for innovative ideas in this area, take a look at companies like Packaging Guru who offer custom-printed bags made from recycled paper or hemp fibers that are biodegradable after 30 days in landfills (or even less if they fall into water).

With new products being created, it's important to find sustainable packaging solutions to get them to market quickly and without compromising quality.

With new products being created, it's important to find sustainable packaging solutions that can get them to market quickly and without compromising quality. The choice of materials, design and manufacturing process all play a role in determining whether or not your product is environmentally friendly.

Packaging should be:

  • Sustainable - This means using materials that are renewable or recyclable so that they won't harm the environment over time. Many food-grade plastics are made from plants like corn or sugar cane; other materials such as glass are 100% recyclable (and often reused for packaging).

  • Innovative - Packaging needs to stand out on store shelves in order for customers to notice it among all of their options--this means making sure your design stands out against competitors' brands while also conveying information about what makes yours unique (such as health benefits).

  • Environmentally Friendly - Packaging must also meet certain criteria regarding its carbon footprint during production; if you're using recycled content then even better!


The cannabis industry is growing and evolving at a rapid pace. With new products being created, it's important to find sustainable packaging solutions to get them to market quickly and without compromising quality.


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